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Apple Music offers five new stations

Apple Music has launched five new music stations as the service Says Yes to Five New Music Stations Designed for Every Mood. This new feature is designed to improve the listening experience of the users by presenting them a list of tracks that correspond to the users’ mood or tasks.

Apple Music offers five new stations

Apple Music Unveils Mood-Driven Stations to Match Your Every Vibe

These stations are available to Apple Music users all over the world to guarantee that each and every individual will get to listen to his or her favorite tunes. It is hypothetically convenient to be able to find out the stations through the homepage of the music app labelled “Find Your Mood” where one can select different moods.

The inclusion of the above stations is significant of personalized experience Apple is offering at the moment. Every station is reshuffled from time to time depending with the users preference so as to make the provided music by the application unique to the user.

The new stations also comprise “Feel Good” which plays happy music and “Energy which plays the kind of music that is likely to make the listeners energetic. These stations are great for rejuvenating or for fueling a workout, for example.

There is also the “Relax” area where everyone who wants to listen to music while he/she relaxes can easily find what he/she is looking for. Also, the ‘Focus’ station helps in improving focus during tasks hence suitable for work or study sessions.

Finally, a station labelled as ‘Feeling Blue’ streams slow, sad tunes to listen to for those who could use it. These stations are proof to Apple Music’s commitment to offering music that truly has a message to reach the heart and the mind.

The above stations are personalized by Apple in terms of listening history and new songs are added to the stations frequently and are in line to your favorite genre. The newly added stations are:The newly added stations are:

Feel Good: Specializes in providing happy songs and any form of music that will uplift the listeners’ spirit.

  1. Energy: Also has fun upbeat songs that is meant to inspire and get one pumped up.
  2. Relax: The best way to help find the peace and serenity within oneself with pleasant music playing in the background.
  3. Focus: Provides songs that are best suited for working as they help in focusing on the working period.
  4. Feeling Blue: Gives music that can listened to in order to deal with the difficult and sade moments of life.
  5. Feeling Blue: Delivers melancholic music to help cope with feelings of sadness.

Apple Eases the Shift: Transfer Your Apple Music Playlists to YouTube Music, But With Limits

As you would never expect, Apple has created the option by which Apple Music subscribers can move to YouTube Music. This could mean a change of tact in Apple as it starts to embrace third party players into it ecosystem.

But, it’s crucial to notice that Apple has not released any native ways for transferring playlists to rivaling music services. Switching between the platforms require either the use of third party applications to scrape the contents, or manually dump the contents.

It is however important to note that the transfer process only works for songs that are downloadable using YouTube Music. What this means is that not all your favorite songs or music playlist may make the transition to Apple Music if the content is exclusive or more inclined to niches.

Also, files such as podcasts or audiobooks which can compose a significant part of users’ library cannot be transferred. This might be a big disadvantage for those who use Apple Music not just as songs provider but in additional ways.

Some of the playlists that cannot be transferred include the one that has been created as a playlist shared between other users or as the non-collaborative one among other popular ones made usually by users with the intention of compiling good music collections for other people. This could in a way deter some of the users from changing their Policies.

You won’t be able to bring over Smart Playlist rules that you have set in to Apple Music playlists or even the music folders you have set to contain your playlists. For those who have very well categorized their music, this could mean beginning again on YouTube Music.

Achaoui Rachid
Achaoui Rachid
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