First of all, let me report that Telegram has issued rather cool upgrades to celebrate the app’s eleventh birthday in version 11. 0. 0—the feature that is meant to improve user interactivity and open the new sources of income for the authors of the materials. These changes have been made with the intent of increasing the engagement on the platform, as well as the financial returns.
Telegram Turns 11: New Update Boosts Interaction and Monetization with Star Reactions
One of the new features is the ‘Star Reactions’, could help viewers express their support towards the channels and creators they follow through sending Telegram Stars. It also allows channel owners to monetize all the stars they collect: they can be exchanged for Toncoin or used to promote the channel.
Another aspect of ‘Star Reactions’ is the ability to view the top star senders, and this is a bonus level. Users can also opt out of the ‘public leaderboard’ through this system and this improves privacy.
To enable ‘Star reactions,’ one has to go to the Channel Settings and select Reactions then enabling Paid Reactions. This is an easy process through which channel admins can begin reaping from the new feature within a short span.
Altogether, the new update of Telegram can be considered as a significant enhancement of user engagement and monetization, which demonstrates the platform’s orientation on both content providers and their consumers.
Monetize with Ease: New Paid Invite Links and Enhanced Media Features on Telegram
Exclusive Content Access: The latest addition to the messaging app, Telegram is the Telegram Stars through which content creators can create custom invite links for a monthly subscription charges. This functionality is ideal for anyone who would want to tease their content or stream to their audience exclusively. This is not much of a problem as the channel owners can directly go to channel settings and create a new paid link.
Simplified Setup: To create a paid invitation link go to Channel Settings then Channel Type and then Manage Invite Links. From there, you can create a new link and specify the ‘Monthly Fee’ to start giving access to your better posts to others.
Enhanced Paid Media Features: The latest update of Paid Media for bots in the Telegram app brings together all the communication channels of business accounts. The present release allows channel owners to increase revenue through paid photos and videos and also incorporates automation into many features, including image and video processing services.
Monetization with Bots: Thanks to the new feature, paid media can be managed by Telegram bots, so it is possible to simplify the work of a business and offer new opportunities for users. This enhancement is for a range of services including image generation and video enhancement.
Earning Through Stars and Toncoin: Telegram wants to help content creators and to do that, Telegram takes a small cut of the earnings through Telegram Stars. You can use stars to earn Toncoin rewards and then spend them on channel promotion, while getting an additional 30% discount off Telegram Ads.
Promotional Benefits: Not only does it make users promote their channels more effectively, but they also get a significant discount while reinvesting stars into Telegram Ads. This makes a virtuous circle in which creators can increase their following while relying on a low amount of promotional expenses.
Telegram's New 'Super Channels' and Enhanced Document Handling for iOS
Telegram has unveiled what may be termed as ‘Super Channels,’ whereby the channel administrators can post as personality profiles or any other channels. This innovation provides interactivity in the way that messages in the channel are provided since they are in different forms.
For enabling ‘Super Channels’, go to Channel Settings -> Admins -> ‘Message Signatures and Show Author Profiles’. This choice allows admins customize and centrally monitor the message authorship, thus enhancing the overall experience of the users.
Mobile users running on iOS will be particularly grateful for the revamped file coping system in the updated Telegram. Documents such as . pdf, . xls, or . It would be mentioned that now the files with the extension .docx can be opened in the different tabs of the Telegram browser.
This functionality provides the user with an easy way of jumping from one file to the other and from one message to the next when working on multiple files at the same time within the app.
All in all, these updates improve the control of channels and documents in the application, which makes Telegram more functional for its users.